Intellectual Community

Weekly Preparation, Goals & Standard Practices:

The following will be our “Standard Practices”:

1. Continuity from week to week: We will need to revisit and refresh our memory on what we discussed in the previous session. We will begin there.

2. Afterthought from last session: After refreshing our memories, we should hear your afterthoughts about what was discussed last week.

3. Know your authors: everyone is called to do it, but especially those who are mapping a reading should know and introduce the author.

4. “FOUR questions”: Probe the following as you read and prepare for a class meeting. Depending upon the text(s), in each meeting, I will choose from these:

• What (& who) is the author arguing against?

• What is the author arguing for? [What’s the throw/catch?]

• What are the stakes in the argument? What are its implications?

• Your response/reaction/conclusion/takeaway(s)?

5. Reading Format & Technology: Unless you have a strong reason against it, or a moral stance, all readings should be printed out and should be with you in the class. The use of technology, the laptops etc. must be limited to the absolutely necessary minimal during the class meeting.

Intentional Speaking in the Class: Sham-e-Mahfil & Adab

GOAL: The goal of each class meeting is a) better understanding of the assigned text-guide(s) which will be key to our b) thinking about the discussion theme for that meeting. A “good” reading of the assigned text(s) and willingness to think with the Class’s intellectual community are therefore foundational to our study. Throughout this term, we will also practice discerning the ethical difference between speaking from within the text and from without.

READING TOGETHER: If TWO of you can extend an invite, I am willing to, from time to time, read the assigned material for the next class meeting together. If purposeful and joyful, we can think of other similar activities that will bring more life to the intellectual community of the class.
