Book Reviews

ReviewedThe Night Journey and Ascension in Islam: The Reception of Religious Narrative in Sunnī, Shī’ī and Western Culture by R. P. Buckley

“. . . This juxtaposition of the western perspectives with Muslim perspectives is a remarkable achievement of this study. Yet what this juxtaposition elicits is left for the reader’s own judgment . . .”

Reviewed: Between Heaven and Hell: Islam, Salvation, and the Fate of Others ed. Mohammad Hassan Khalil

“In the face of an increasingly globalized world and greater religious plurality, scholars and theologians of various religious traditions inevitably have to address the question of salvation of the religious other. What does Islam say about the soteriological fate of non-Muslims? . . . Between Heaven and Hell is an admirable supplement to that earlier study. Based on papers presented by Muslim scholars and Islamicists at a symposium held at the University of Illinois in 2010, it delves into various dimensions of the salvation question.”

Reviewed: Meaning of Mecca: The Politics of Pilgrimage in Early Islam, by M. E. McMillan

“. . . The book is informative, well-documented and demonstrating mastery of the sources, but by far the most significant contribution of the study is its unique methodology: although essentially a political history of early Islam, the author examines it through the prism of the issue of the leadership of the hajj.”

ReviewedOn the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam: Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī’s Fayṣal al-Tafriqa Bayna al-Islām wa al-Zandaqa by Sherman A. Jackson
“What could be more pertinent for us today! We must thank Dr Jackson for this huge service to scholarship and to the Muslim community. Besides being read and disseminated, as much as possible, the publication should be made available to readership in various Islamic languages.”

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