Encyclopedia Entries
Found in Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Religious Practices edited by Thomas Riggs. Gale Press, 2014.
Excerpt: “One of the two major branches of Islam, Shiism grew out of a split among Muslims that occurred in Medina (present-day western Saudi Arabia) over the question of who would succeed the Prophet Muhammad upon his death in 632 CE . . .”
Found in Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought edited by Gerhard Böwering et al. Princeton University Press, 2012.
“A work of high-quality erudition packaged in an accessible manner which will benefit a wide readership, the PEIPT is thus also quintessentially of its time and a political statement of sorts in itself, which is, perhaps paradoxically, where its deeper value as a point of reference will ultimately lie.”–Zaheer Kazmi, Times Literary Supplement
Found in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, edited by John L. Esposito. Oxford University Press, 2009.